- Uniform handling of the dimensionality of the problem,
- Easy to extend: adding a quadrature formula or adding a finite element is as simple as defining a new class,
- Domain specific language to describe the functional forms,
- Built as a toolbox: each componant can be replaced or reused for a different purpose.
Missing features
There are however a number of feature that are (still) missing. Some of them may already be part of the roadmap. Of course, the list is not exhaustive.
- Non-simplicial meshes handling,
- a set of loader for common mesh and geometry file format (gmsh, Ensight 6, Ensight Gold, …)
- vector valued finite elements,
- some basic mesh manipulation facilities: submesh extraction, merging, transformation, and so on,
- …
Feel free to send PR if you want to contribute to one of these missing features, or if you have other ideas and suggestions.