TFEL is a C++ library which provide a framework and basic tools to implement and experiment with finite element methods and solve partial differential equations. TFEL leverage C++ template mechanisms and the C++ type system to assemble algorithms and help avoid common mistakes while experimenting with numerical algorithms.
This project started as an experiment and its development is a hobby. It’s not meant to be used in a production environment, and I provide absolutly no guarantees of correctness, or that it won’t kill your cat(s).
The TFEL does not try to compete with peta-scale-massively-parallel codes which run on hundreds of thousands of cluster cores. It was meant for small-scale experiments that could have been written in MatLAB, but runs with the performances of a compiled language.
I have a few stuff on my current TODO list:
- Move FES element definition out of the FES namespace.
- Wrap all large array allocations in C++11 smart pointers.
- Avoid evaluation of null block in finite element system matrices.
However, there is no guarantee any of these items will ever be checked, as it depends on the time I can allocate for this project.